174. Intro to Yehi Kevod. A glorious chapter.
175 Yehi kevod. Revealing Hashem
176. The Sun sings praises.
177. Our own personal sunrises and sunsets.
178. The sun’s cycle, Avraham’s journey and our understanding of Hashem.
180. It’s not all about the miracles
181. Feeling Hashem’s presence
182. Rejoicing in His Kingship
184 Divine protection
185. Trust Hashem’s plan
186. Hashem gives us the power
187. Hold on tight. Moshiach is on his way!
188. Four ‘keys’ to success
189. Constant creation
190. Hashem’s desire to dwell amongst us
191. The unique power of the Jewish nation
192. Yaakov - Hashem’s chosen one.
193. A National Treasure.
194. A Treasured Nation
195. A Glowing Nation
196. A very deep connection
197. How to access Hashem’s mercy
198. Being held by a silver cord.
199. He doesn’t vent His full anger.
200. Answer us today!
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