17) Intro to brachos
18) Hashem is so near yet so far
19) A hundred silver opportunities
20) The heart of the matter
21) Adon Olam. Closing the circle
22) Adon Olam. My Personal Master
23) Yigdal. A Direct Line
24) Al netilas yadayim. Elevate Your Hands
25) Asher Yatzar. Appreciating the chochma in our digestive system.
26) Asher Yatzar. Hashem takes care of all our needs.
27) ‘Creating’ Darkness
28) The Miracle Within
29) Asher Yatzar. From the Highest Place
37. Asher Yatzar. The greatest wonder.
38. Elokai Neshama. Inherent Purity.
39. Elokai Neshama. 5 levels of the soul.
41. Elokai Neshama. Confirming our beliefs.
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