The Time4Mishna program involves learning four new mishnayos each day from Sunday through to Thursday, reviewing that week's 20 mishnayos on Friday, and going over previous masechtos on Shabbos.

Current Mesechta


Mishnayos Shiurim

Brachos 1.1-1.4

Brachos 1.5-2.3

Brachos 2.4-2.7

Brachos 2.8-3.3

Brachos 3.4-4.1

Brachos 4.2-4.5

Brachos 4.6-5.2

Brachos 5.3-6.1

Brachos 6.2-6.5

Brachos 6.6-7.1

Brachos 7.2-7.5

Brachos 8.1-8.4

Brachos 8.5-8.8

Brachos 9.1-9.4

Brachos 9.5 - Peah 1.3

Chazarah Shiurim

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All Mesachtas

View the previous masechtos that we've covered.

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